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( akatsa)

  • 1 aitzakia

    iz. [from Cast. "achaque "ailment", cf. Leizarraga "atxekio", Southern NG "atxekia"]
    1. ( estakurua, aiko-maikoa) excuse; hori \aitzakia hutsa da that' s just an excuse; \aitzakiaaz with excuses, with pretext; \aitzakiaak jartzen ditu beti he' s always coming up with excuses
    2. ( akatsa) defect, fault

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aitzakia

  • 2 baia

    1. (I) ( akatsa, hutsa) fault, defect, shortcoming; ez itzal gabeko arbolarik, ez \baia gabeko gizonik nobody's perfect
    2. badia

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > baia

  • 3 erru

    [from Rom., cf. Cast. yerro "mistake"] iz.
    a. blame; i-i \errua {gaineratu || leporatu} to lay the blame on sb | to lay the blame on sb
    b. ( erantzukizuna duena) fault; zuk daukazu \errua | zeurea da \errua it's your fault!; \errua norena zen jakiteko to find out who is to blame
    2. ( akatsa) fault, shortcoming, deficiency, defect, flaw
    3. ( okerra) mistake, error, lapse; zenbait \erru izan zenituen azterketan you made several mistakes on your test; \erruz esan zuen he said it by mistake ; \erruz egin zuten they did it {by mistake || in error}
    4. \erru gaiztoko resentful ; \erru oneko i. ( esker oneko) thankful, grateful cil agradecido ii. ( ondare handiko) with a big inheritance Oharra: ikus oharra mistake sarreran
    iz. ( kemena) energy, vigor, vim io.
    1. (NG) ( kementsu) energetic, dashing
    2. ( haizea) strong

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erru

  • 4 estakuru

    1. ( aitzakia) excuse, pretext; zahartu direlako \estakuruan under the pretext that they've grown old ; ez dute \estakururik they have no excuse; \estakuru bila coming up with excuses; apaizgaiak baizik hartzen ez dituztelako \estakuruan, delako etxeek biltzen dute alabaina edozein under the pretext that they accept only seminarians, said houses take in anyone nevertheless
    2. ( akatsa) defect, flaw ; arotzak dena gaizki egin eta zurak du \estakurua! (atsot.) a bad workman blames his tools (atsot.)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estakuru

  • 5 eten

    [from e- (ancient participial marker) + Lat. tendere or tentum] iz.
    a. interruption, cutoff; \etenik ez duen jipoia a non-stop beating
    b. suspension
    c. ( geldigunea) pause; \etena hirugarren silabaren ondoren beti egoten da there is always a pause after the third syllable
    2. Med.
    a. hernia; \etenak jotako gizona a man with a hernia ; \etena egin zaio he got a hernia
    b. fracture, break
    3. ( akatsa) defect ; \etenak eta hobenak defects and vices; \etenik gabe egindako lana flawlessly executed work
    a. ( arraildura, pitzadura) crack, cranny, crevice, fissure; lorontzi honek, azpialdetik \etena dauka this flower vase has a crack running up from the bottom
    b. ( urratzea) tear; \etena egin zitzaion mantalari her apron tore
    5. (Liter.) caesura io. intermittent, discontinuous; haren hitz \etenak his sputtering words du/ad.
    1. to interrupt, break; arbitroak partidua \eten egin zuen the referee {interrupted || stopped} the game
    b. Zine. \eten! cut!
    2. ( solasa) to interrupt, butt into
    3. ( urratu) to tear; zainak \eten zitzaizkion his tendons were torn
    a. ( linea) to cut
    b. ( bidea) to cut, cut off
    c. ( zerbitzua) to cut, stop, interrupt, suspend
    d. ( harreman diplomatikoak) to break, break off; harremanak \etenda daude relations have been broken off
    5. ( legea) to break, infringe upon
    6. ( berezi) to separate (- tik: from) ; gugandik \etenak separated from us; gerrateak elkarrengandik \eten zituen they were separated by the war
    7. ( nekarazi) to exhaust, tire out; \etenda zegoen he was exhausted da/ad.
    1. ( soka) to snap, break
    2. ( urratu) to tear; oihal \eten zen the cloth tore
    3. to stop, cease; haizea \eten da the wind's died down; \eten gabe without end | incessantly | continually | constantly | without letup
    4. ( isilaldia) to break, interrupt
    5. ( p.)
    a. to break down
    b. ( ahitu, nekatu) to become exhausted
    c. Med. to get a hernia

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eten

  • 6 gaitz

    [cf. Iber. "cais"] iz.
    a. ( kaltea) harm, hurt
    b. ( aiherra) harm, ill intent; \gaitzik gabe egin to do sth without spite
    c. (esa.) \gaitz erdi! just as well! ; eta \gaitz erdi berandu etorri zela! it was a good thing that he was late too
    a. ( eritasuna) disease, ailment, malady formala.
    b. (irud.) gure hizkuntzaren batasuna dela soinean daramatzan \gaitz guztien erremedioa the unity of our language is the remedy to all its physical ills
    3. ( akatsa) flaw, defect da/ad.
    a. ( zaila) difficult; euskalkien arteko batasuna egitea \gaitz bada ere although it is difficult to forge unity among the Basque dialects; \gaitzago da oraindik, azkoz ere \gaitzago, inguruko erdara batetik euskarara itzultzea, erdara horietako batetik baino it is even more difficult, indeed much more difficult to translate from Spanish and French to Basque than it is from French to Spanish or viceversa
    b. ( bidea) hard, rough, difficult
    2. ( txarra) bad; ordu \gaitzean etorri zen she came at a bad time; egun \gaitza benetan a truly awful day
    3. ( lurra) hard, parched
    4. ( handi-handia) great; haserre \gaitza livid anger

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gaitz

  • 7 higuin

    [from *(h)iguni] iz.
    1. ( nazka, narda) disgust, loathing, aversion; i-i \higuin eman to be revolting to sb | to disgust sb; edari horrek \higuinematen dit that drink is revolting for me | I find that drink {disgusting || revolting}; horrek \higuinik biziena ematen dit I find it most {disgusting || revolting} | that disgusts me the most
    2. ( gorrotoa) hatred, abhorrence, loathing; ez dit ezerk gorroto eta \higuin gehiago ematen politikari lapurrek baino there's nothing that I hate and abhor more than thieving politicians io. ( higuingarri) disgusting, revolting, repugnant, repellent da/ad. [ zaio ] to abhor; bikain zaren hori, \higuin zaizu besteren akatsa you who are perfect abhor the faults of others

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > higuin

  • 8 hozka

    1. ( ausikia) bite
    2. ( akatsa) notch, mark

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hozka

  • 9 huts

    1. ( errua) mistake, error
    b. ( kulpa, errua, hobena) fault; zure \hutsa izan da it was our fault!
    c. Kir. foul, error
    d. (Inp.) erratum; \hutsak errata
    2. ( mentsa, eza) lack, absence, dearth ; etxean badute \huts nabarmen bat: komunik ez there's one obvious thing they lack at home: a toilet ; baten \hutsean i. with one missing ii. with one to go
    b. ( beharra) need; \hutsak bete to {fill || meet} needs
    a. flaw, mistake; \huts bat egin gabe without making a mistake | flawlessly
    b. Tek. failure, breakdown
    c. ( p.) shortcoming, flaw
    a. void, emptiness ; halako \huts bat sentitzen nuen bihotzean I felt such a void in my heart
    b. nothing; baina akats hori \hutsa da besteen aldean but that mistake is nothing compared to others; \hutsetik hasi i. to start from scratch ii. ( hizkuntza bat ikasten) to start from the very beginning; e-r \hutsetik sortu to create sth out of nothing
    c. (esa.) helburuak hauts eta \huts bihurtu zitzaizkion his goals come to absolutely nothing; \huts edo bete willynilly | any which way ; zer dira hangotarrak? — \hutsa, ezer ez gure aldean what are people from over there? — zilch, nothing compared to us ; \hutsaren hurrengoa da he's a {nothing || cypher}; \hutsera etorri to come to nothing; \hutsean eduki to look down on | to despise
    a. nothing, nought (GB), zero, zip Argot., zilch Argot.
    b. ( zenbakia) o, zero; zenbakia hauxe da: lau \huts \huts bi the number is: four o o two
    c. Kir. nil (GB), zero; lau eta \huts four to {nil (GB) || zero (USA) } io.
    a. empty; poltsa \huts batean in an empty bag
    b. ( auzoa) empty, uninhabited
    c. ( intxaur, gaztaina) empty, dud
    d. (esa.) \huts edo bete anywhich way | trusting to luck
    a. mere, simple, common; gizona abere \hutsa da man is a mere animal; pentsatze \hutsak beldurrez jartzen nau the mere thought of it scares me
    b. euskara \hutsez i. in plain Basque ii. only in Basque; euskara \hutsezko egunkari bat a Basque-only newspaper | a newspaper only in Basque
    c. ( p.) euskaldun \hutsa da he's {pure || absolutely} Basque; mozkor \hutsa da he's {a total || absolute} drunk; ergel \hutsa da he's a total idiot
    d. ( kafea, e.a.) plain
    e. ( probokazioa) sheer; adierazpen horiek probokazio \hutsa direla iruditzen zait, eta ez dugu probokazio horretan erori nahi those statements are, in my opinion, sheer provocation and we do not wish to fall in the trap of provoking
    a. pure, unadulterated; ezti \hutsa pure honey
    b. poesia \hutsa {sheer ||pure} poetry
    c. (esa.) gau \hutsean in pitch dark

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > huts

  • 10 itzal

    1. ( itzalpea, ilungunea)
    a. shade; haritz handi batzuen \itzalean {in || under} the shade of some oak trees; artaldeek \itzal biltzen duten garai honetan during this time when flocks of sheep seek shade; zuhaitz horrek \itzal egiten digu ezkerraldetik that oak gives us shade on the left side
    b. (Arteg.) shade part, shaded area, shade; argi eta \itzala light and shade
    c. (irud.) jeneralaren \itzalean under the protection of the general; ez du nahi besteek \itzal egitea she doesn't want to be overshadowed by others; Hego Koreak \itzal egin zion beste Korearen ekonomiari the South Korean economy has overshadowed the economy of the other Korea; Bonaparte printzearen \itzalean lanari ekin zioten langile apalak the humble writers who worked under Prince Bonaparte; amaren \itzaletik alde egi nahi zuen he wanted to get out from under his mother's wing; geroztik hona erdi \itzalean egon da it's been half hidden since then; munstroa dirudi beste ontziei \itzala eginik it looks like a monster, towering over the other ships
    2. ( objektua, gorputzaren ingurua irudikatzen duena)
    a. shadow; arratsaldean zuhaitzen \itzala luzatzen denean in the afternoon when the shadow of the trees grows long; gorputzari \itzal darraion bezala like a shadow tagging along behind him
    b. (esa.) \itzal bezain isila as silent as {the shadows || a post || as the grave}; haren \itzal bihurtu da he's become her shadow
    3. (irud.) ( itxura, irudia, b.b.)
    a. hark egiten zuen lana ez zen Martinek egiten zuenaren \itzala baizen the work he did couldn't hold a candle to what Martin did: bi \itzal besterik ez ginen lilurazko gau hartan we were nothing but two spirits on that enchanted night; otsoaren \itzalik ere ez da han gelditzen not even the slightest trace of wolves remains there; ez du bere aitaren \itzalik ere he doesn't look a bit like his father; hildakoen \itzalak spirits of the dead
    4. ( espetxea, presondegia) prison, jail, penitentiary; \itzalean egon da hiru urte he's been {locked up || in prison} for three years
    a. ( begirunea) reverence, veneration, respect; Haren izen santuari zor zaion \itzala the reverence due to His holy name; \itzal gabe disrespectfully, irreverently
    b. ( ospea) prestige; \itzal handiko gizona a very prestigious man; \itzal handiko highly respected
    6. (NB) (I) ( akatsa) defect io.
    1. ( iluna, itzaltsua) dark, murky; baso \itzal bat a dark forest
    2. ( gizona) imposing, huge
    3. (irud.) respectable, proper, genteel

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itzal

  • 11 markets

    1. ( akatsa) defect, chip; \marketsa egin zion katiluari (s)he chipped the cup
    2. ( aberaska) honeycomb io.
    1. ( akasduna) defective, imperfect
    2. ( ahotsa) faint

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > markets

  • 12 ments

    1. ( gabezia) shortage, lack; beharrena \ments dute they lack the bare necessities
    2. ( akatsa) defect, flaw; zure lanak \ments bat du there's something wrong with your work
    3. Fin. deficit io. imbecile, idiotic, dumb, oafish

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ments

  • 13 narrio

    1. (I) Zah.
    a. ( mantxa) spot, mark; gorputza \narriorik gabe zuen her body was unblemished
    b. Kristau. taint; bekatuaren \narrioa kentzen du it takes away the taint of sin
    2. ( akatsa) defect, flaw
    b. ( liburuari d.) erratum; \narrioak errata

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > narrio

  • 14 taka

    1. ( akatsa) defect
    2. ( ziria) wedge, shim, chock adb. immediately, suddenly

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > taka

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